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What is Fraud Prevention?

Typing AI
Typing AI - Apr 28, 2022

Everyone knows about the kind of frauds you face while investing and doing business with people. If you are doing a business in a partnership, how sure are you that the person you trust with all your funds is trustworthy? 


Online frauds nowadays are pretty common. You can save yourself from facing any kind of fraud just by being active and having a regular check on the accounts.


How to prevent fraud?


If you want to prevent fraud, then here are a few tips that will help you in preventing any kind of fraud:


1. Data mining from records

If you think that some suspicious activity has been taking place in your accounts, something is fishy. You need to dig in the records. While looking into the details of the records, you need to have a look at the patterns of the expenses, so you will know whether everything has been working fine or not. 


The number one thing that would help you detect any kind of fraud is data mining into the records. Do it yourself because there is a possibility that the people doing the data mining might also be a part of the fraud. Detecting any kind of fraud starts with the records.


2. Neural networks

If you know about technology, then you will know about neural networks. After mining into the data mining into the records, then go into the neural networks. These are the tiny details that would help you if everything is working fine or not.


3. By monitoring accounts

How about you start checking the accounts of people working under that you are suspicious of? Is there a possibility that the people working for you are your biggest enemy? Sometimes if a person is not loyal to you, they will try their best to ruin your business image. 


Most of the time, frauds get detected in most matters related to money. It can be your accountant or your partner. If someone is trying to steal your money, then you will definitely get suspicious of that move if you are in close contact with your accounts people. 


It is very important that you keep asking for account details, how much money people are getting from your company, and overall expenses. Sometimes you sign a cheque for a big amount, but it doesn't get used for the right purpose, which means someone has taken it away for their benefit, not yours. A check into the accounts of your employees will let you know about any kind of fraud. 


4. Checking credit reports

As we said above, most of the time, fraud is all about money. People try to steal your money away, and if you keep a check on the accounts details, expense details, and credit reports, then the chances of facing any fraud get minimized. 


It is another precautionary measure that you can take to make sure everything is working smoothly. You check the credit reports of your employees that they have been using in the name of their company. You will detect any kind of suspicious activity there. 


5. Report suspicious activities right away

If you are loyal to your boss and have been working for the company for a long time, and you have detected some kind of fraud, you need to report it right away. It is your duty to report the suspicious activity. If you don't do it right away, then there is a possibility that you will also get into trouble later.


Whether you are the head of any department or work under someone, it is definitely your duty you let your boss know that someone has been troubling you and someone has been trying to do a fraud the company.  You can save a lot of damage by being reactive to any unusual activity you observe.


Final Words


Now you might have understood a little bit about the frauds. You can detect fraud and prevent it from happening. You just have to be very careful with your investments and don't trust everyone. Not everyone is trustworthy. This is how firms operate just by keeping a check on the records of their clients, so they don't face any fraud.


Image source: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko